Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The One that Slipped Away

Wow! Surprisingly I wasn't as down as I expected to be. I guess turning 40 provides a bit of maturity. The season is over, but another will begin.

The toughest part of losing the National Championship is to realize Memphis was about five seconds away from winning it all. It was a perfect storm the last two minutes to give away that game - the steal on the inbounds and the 3 by Kansas, the missed free throws by the team best players, the defense that couldn't stop Kansas in the end.

Nevermind the overtime, the Memphis players never seemed to get over the fact that overtime never should have happened.

Well, more later..........................


  1. Being only 38, I guess I haven't reached your level of maturity...I'm still sad ):

  2. well sad is one way to put it. and disappointed, but hey they made it all the way to the finals and very few of the pundits expected that.

    i thought it was the kiss of death to have jeff goodman turn himself around, and start saying that memphis was going to win it all.

    i agree coach, that memphis did not appear to show up for the overtime period. and they should not have had to.

    they won that game.

    i feel bad for rose and cdr, missing the final free throws of their college careers.

    remember what cdr once said about free throws never costing them a game.

    g (as anonymous)
