Sunday, December 23, 2007

My Analysis of the Georgetown Game

I know that many of you reading this didn't get to attend the game in person......Wow! I have been attending college basketball games since I was nine years old (30 seasons). That was the very best atmosphere I've ever witnessed. My previous greatest game was a Memphis victory over Kansas in about 1984 or 1985. I think Memphis won 83-81 in a sold-out Mid South Coliseum.

Anyway, I forgot to tape the game so I couldn't go back and see what the atmosphere was like from a television viewers' perspective, but I'm sure it didn't do it justice.

I've been really fired up since the game ended. Most of the media outlets appear to be giving Memphis a strong nod for the nation's best team. It was without a doubt their best showing of the year (I know, very obvious statement). I was really hoping that coming back home would be the item to get the Tigers back into form.

Ok, where to start. The starters were all very solid. I think you have to give CDR and Robert Dozier A's. I'd give Derrick Rose an A-, Joey Dorsey an A- and Antonio Anderson a B+. All five had great games. CDR started slow, but then was an All-American the last 27 minutes. Joey Dorsey and Robert Dozier had silly reach in fouls early, but held off committing fouls when it mattered in the second half. I really thought Derrick Rose kept the Tigers in the game in the first half with some great plays. Anderson was solid as always and even hit a 3 pointer at a critical time.

Were there weaknesses? Yeah, a few, but, Georgetown IS a Final Four caliber team, so you have to expect they will get theirs. Memphis' biggest problem is just periods of "lull". What was going on the first four minutes of the second half? Luckily, Georgetown really didn't take advantage of the lull and Memphis only went from up three at the half to down one before the technical on Cal.

Ok, what about Cal? I was pretty critical of him in the USC game where I believed he was really out-coached. But, yesterday, he did a great job with substitutions, with getting his team to make the proper adjustments to cut off the back door passes the Princeton offense produces (and G-Town runs very effectively).

Was Cal really pissed at the officials four minutes into the second half or did he just place a very well timed technical foul? Did he know that his team and the 18,864 FedEx Forum crowd needed a shot in the arm? Did anyone notice that the technical came when Georgetown had possession (so it didn't cost the Tigers a possession)? So, obviously, I think Cal wanted the tech at exactly that moment.

If you think about the times in the second half when Georgetown did score, it was on very difficult shots (at least until the final six minutes, when the Tigers got a bit too soft and didn't want to commit fouls, but left the lane too open). The Tiger defense was outstanding. I hope these guys realize just how much the defense means. If no one can score on you, it only takes a single bucket to win the game.

Defense - A+
Rebounding - A+
Ball Control - A- (only 11 turnovers versus Georgetown, nice)

Ok, enough of the past. Be looking for my next entry on the upcoming Arizona game.

#1 RPI Arizona Vs. #2 RPI Memphis (this may actually be bigger than the Georgetown game).

1 comment:

  1. Coach,

    Let me tell you the at home audience didn't even get to feel what I know you felt being there. Being in the Coliseum, the Pyramid and the Forum is no short of awesome and I would have loved to been up there for the Georgetown game. I have recruited two friends into Tiger ball the last two seasons and even though we watched it on tv, it was intense. Hell, to see pouncer crowd surfing on national tv was great in itself.

    This was truly our best game of the season thus far.

    Dozier playing a solid game was probally the highlight. I knew CDR would get it back when he could and it was delight to see that this was the game to do it.

    Everyone that played put on a solid performance. Allen is taking a hit not starting this year but I really think he has a handle on it. His defence is nice and his short and run inside game is still there.

    Seeing Mack and Anderson Starting to really warm up is refreshing as well.

    Niles, yeah he had a mistake, but for someone who hasn't really played too much ever, solid.

    What i like the most out of this year's squad is the composure. Being down late in the first, handling it, pulling themselves back in ad continuing the play in the second is something the Finch years didn't show.

    Cal is a great coach. This year's team is incredible. Wish I could be there for Arizona. Can't wait till I go to Hattiesburg.

    Merry Christmas,

