Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Tyreke Evans Liked Texas Visit; Won't Sign in November

November 05, 2007
Evans Liked Texas Visit; Won't Sign in November

Star guard Tyreke Evans of American Christian (Pa.) enjoyed his official visit to Texas this past weekend, but still plans to visit Memphis.

His brother, Reggie, said 'Reke will not sign during the early signing period, which begins Nov. 14, and will wait until later on.

"We're not going to sign early," Reggie said Monday in a phone interview. "We didn't see Memphis yet. We're trying to narrow it down (and visit Memphis) either later this month or early December."

Evans has already visited Louisville, Villanova, UConn and Seton Hall.

Reggie said the family contingent that visited Texas was very impressed.

"It was a good visit," he said. "I was impressed with the facilities down there. Rick Barnes, he's a good dude. He knows his stuff. We saw a lot of film on how he runs his offense. For the most part, the university is nice, the area is nice. I fell in love with it."

Reggie said the family was also very impressed with Texas strength and conditioning coach Todd Wright, who helped prepare Kevin Durant for the NBA.

"This guy pretty much had a hand in developing Kevin Durant," now with the Seattle Sonics, Reggie said.

Reggie added that it was possible 'Reke could take a second visit at some point to Louisville, long considered the favorite because of the family's ties with head coach Rick Pitino and 'Reke's relationship with Louisville commit Samardo Samuels of St. Benedict's in Newark.

"Only if he wants to," Reggie said of a possible second visit to the "Ville.

The family still needs to see Memphis and Reggie will check with the team on its schedule. The Tigers come to New York for the Coaches v. Cancer Classic Nov. 15-16, and again Dec. 4 for the Jimmy V. Classic.

Reggie said the family's relationship with William Wesley, aka Worldwide Wes, does not necessarily mean 'Reke-to-Memphis is a given, even though several former Worldwide Wes confidantes (see Derrick Rose) ended up at Memphis.

"People misconstrued him with us because 'Reke is a helluva talent now and Wes surrounds himself with the best for a reason," Reggie said. "They look at Tyreke connected to him and say Wes is gonna take this guy and put him where he wants.

"His influence is as a friend so that nobody screws us over. He says, 'Y'all decision is y'all decision.' Other kids don't have guys in their corner like we have Wes in our corner. He was a big part of helping LeBron (James) out.

"With us and with 'Reke, we don't need Wes to put us in the direction and pick a school. We got a committee by family. He always calls me and says, 'You're doing everything right. Take your time and don't rush.' "He's pretty tight with everybody. All the coaches deal with him. I think all the guys have a connection with Wes somewhere. He's in the limelight and he's around the game. For the most part, any college coach deals with him."

As for deciding late, Reggie said the family was prepared to handle the ongoing questions about recruitment for the next few months.

"That's how it goes," he said. "They want to know what the interest level is and who he's gonna commit to. IT comes with the territory when you're still on the board. Realistically, that don't bother us because we don't really care about it. We just care about making the right decision."

1 comment:

  1. they fell in love with Texas's strength and conditioning coach???? Durant couldn't even bench press 200lbs when he left Texas...that means he did a horrible job...i could bench 200lbs in the 9th grade...
