Friday, November 16, 2007

My Commentary on Memphis v. Oklahoma

My Commentary on Memphis v. Oklahoma

Let's just say, thank goodness for the defense.

Is it possible to be happy and annoyed at the same time? Did Robert Dozier miss the charter flight to New York? Is Antonio Anderson having a Sophomore slump a year late? Is it just me or is CDR the most quiet player in the country? What happened to a deep bench and spreading the minutes around?

This was a strange game, but the Tigers were in control through out and their defense was at a higher level. The great thing is that a defense like that can bail out a sub-par day shooting the ball and turning the ball over 20 times (yikes!).

The Tigers defense really messes up the game in a lot of ways. It makes for a disjointed, no rhythm type of game. As a fan, you love the intensity and you are even kind of amazed when the other team actually does score. But, on the other side, it is hard to watch because the defense even seems to disrupt the Tigers on the offensive end. That has to be a cause for concern.

Joey Dorsey looked really good and some how was 4 for 5 from the floor, though it seemed like he missed about 5 or 6 shots. I see he didn't solve the free-throw mystery in the off-season. Perhaps he should go find Mark Price over at the Grizzlies office for a lesson.

Will the real Antonio Anderson come on down? While I really enjoy all of the things Antonio does for this team, he seems out of control right now - sort of like Andre Allen was a lot of times last year.

What about Andre? You had to love his tackle of ESPN's Andy Katz at half court going for the steal. I'll say this about Andre - his energy is second to none. He gives his all when he gets his moments on the court.

While Derrick Rose missed (or was fouled) on most of his drives to the basket, you can definitely tell he can do a lot of things others just dream about.

Also, I think Rose will be the dedicated free throw shooter on this team and he should get lots of attempts at the line during the season after being fouled on dribble drives and end of game situations.

Well, I hope Cal can fix a few things before tonight. And I hope Joey's shoulder is not reinjured. While Shawn Taggart is playing pretty good, I am fearful that Dozier won't find the Garden for a second night.

We need a better percentage from Kemp and D-Mack if they are going to have a green light all of the time. 30% from 3 point isn't going to cut it. Memphis needs to figure out how to make teams pay for playing a zone. 30% won't do it - 40% to 43% will make teams rethink their strategy.

Go Tigers.

1 comment:

  1. "make teams pay for playing the zone"

    that was my attitude a year ago and it is my attitude today. memphis would do well to make opponents drop the zone, and the only way they are going to do that, is to score points against it.

    in the oklahoma game, up 20-10, the Tigers came down the court nine times against the zone and could not score.

    that is obviously NOT the way to make the other team give up the zone.

    the next two times they beat the zone down the floor and scored, and although that is better than giving up the ball, it is not going to make the other team drop the zone.

    it is going to make them run back faster to set up the zone. i've said this before, but the way to attack the zone is not to dribble into it and hope you can kick the ball out for a three.

    the way to break the zone is to move the ball around, and ultimately in to joey for the dunk, or to cdr or dozier for the six foot jumpshot. that's a high percentage shot, and when you can do that and score, every time down the floor, your opponent has no choice but to give up that kind of defense.

    unfortunately, both the stars derrick rose and cdr, and to a lesser extent, the entire team, cannot conceive of a game of basketball where they do not get to dribble into traffic, and make fancy twisting moves to try to score.

    if you want to see the kind of ball movement i am talking about, you have to watch a team like Phil Martelli's St Joes squad. They play the zone, and they know how to attack the zone.

    but you know, calipari and his stable of leapers are going to continue to do what they do best. Which is to leap and frolic.
