Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ok Memphis, Time to Wake Up and Play Like a #1 Seed

Just in case, Cal doesn't get the message through to the Tigers, I feel it is my job to make an attempt.

Memphis - WAKE UP. This is the NCAA Tournament, where mistakes mean you go home and the season is over. UCLA woke up mid way through the second half when they realized they were trailing by 10 points to Texas A&M. The Bruins changed the game with their defense and then got four great offensive possessions from their go-to guys - Kevin Love and Darren Collison.

Memphis are you up for it? Mississippi State won't back down tomorrow and they are big and athletic. Gordon probably won't have back to back poor offensive games, so you better be ready to take on a big guard. MSU's weakness is their bench - they don't have one.

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't sound like Calipari thinks so - he seems to like the guys he has - but i would feel much more comfortable if we had another usable big man on the bench.

    Someone who could give us another five fouls. Maybe someone like Kareem Cooper.
