Monday, January 28, 2008

Over The Edge…..

Over The Edge…..
Posted by John Stacy, Tiger fan blogger

Maybe I’m too emotional but it occurred to me when I walked down the passageway yesterday that I was going to see my Tigers as the #1 team in the country. All our lives we’ve said, “We’re number 1.” We mostly meant conference champs at times. Sometimes it was just in our hearts. Then there were just after the good wins. But this time we are truly number one and I was going to get to watch them. You gotta admit you had a good smile about that.

I ran into about 75 different Gonzaga fans yesterday. Most were nice enough but there were some exceptions. One decided he wanted to pop off early in the 2nd half trying to rile the section around him. It lasted about 2 minutes then he had nothing to say. I guess when you’re losing by 16 it’s hard to talk smack.

My cable box is broke so it is no TV Sunday. So this might end up being longer than usual.

I’m kinda sorta torn about the what how the national media talks about the Tigers. We all want them to give this team the respect they deserve. We want them to finally acknowledge that the University of Memphis has a program that is on par with the best in the country. I did say program for a reason. Back-to-back Elite Eights followed up with a season like this are signs of a solid program. We didn’t just jump up as St. Joes did a few years ago. Cal has this program at a point where we can expect to win at a high level for a while. Maybe that’s why the national “experts” don’t like it, could someone actually be challenging the national status quo?

If you don’t think this basketball team isn’t helping with football recruiting then you’re nuts. Crowds like yesterday show kids how exciting it can be to be at Memphis. It helps a lot.

I can’t say this enough, join the Tiger Scholarship Fund! If you call yourself a Tigers fan or supporter then help us build for tomorrow today. This is your way to improve our program. It starts with each of us. If you can sit back and criticize the programs while calling yourself a “fan” then help improve us. Do your part. You can pay over the next six months and do the school a lot of good. Sorry to get up on the soap box but I feel strongly about this.

By the time he’s a senior Doneal Mack will be a very memorable Tigers shooter.

My favorite play yesterday was Joey’s block, breakaway and flush. How many teams in the country can say they’ve got a big man who can block a 3-pointer, chase it down and breakaway for a dunk? Not very many I can promise you that.

Can’t win them all by double digits huh. I should be happy winning 17 of 19 by no fewer than 10 should be good enough.

If you were there yesterday, come back for the next four home games. There is no reason that the place shouldn’t be full for every home game from here on out.

Alright, that’s enough.


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